What Is a Horse’s Purpose?
When a horse is born, it doesn’t know that it has been bred for a particular purpose. It doesn’t understand that it has prestigious Olympic bloodlines, that it was meant to cut cows, or that it is destined to be a champion in the show ring. A newborn foal only knows how to be a horse—focused on its mother, its herd, and its survival.
Yet, as humans, we assign horses a purpose. We decide what they are meant to do, what role they should play, and what expectations they must fulfill. We breed them with specific goals in mind, train them according to our disciplines, and invest time, energy, and money into shaping them into the equine partners we desire. But the truth is, these expectations exist entirely in our minds. Horses themselves are unaware of them.
The Weight of Human Expectations
Because we place expectations on horses, it becomes our responsibility to adequately prepare them for their jobs. A horse bred for Western pleasure must be trained for it. A jumper must be developed to safely and comfortably navigate a course. However, just because a horse has been bred for a specific discipline does not mean it must follow that path.
We have the power to shift a horse’s purpose, change its career, or even decide that it doesn’t need to have a "job" at all. This flexibility allows us to acknowledge the horse’s individual needs, preferences, and physical and mental well-being. Yet, far too often, we become so fixated on a specific purpose that we struggle to see our horses for what they truly are—living beings deserving of respect, autonomy, and fair treatment.
The Unfairness of Imposed Purposes
Is it fair to have rigid expectations for an animal that has no way of understanding them? When we communicate with other humans, we can clearly state our expectations: “I want you to pass this test,” or “I expect you to meet this deadline.” But with horses, we cannot sit them down and explain, “I expect you to win a blue ribbon.”
Instead, we expect horses to perform simply because we’ve invested in them—whether through breeding, training, or financial resources. This approach can create frustration for both the human and the horse, leading to misunderstandings, behavioral issues, and even broken relationships. If a horse is struggling to meet an expectation, we must ask ourselves: Is it because we haven’t adequately prepared them, or is it because they are simply not suited for the role we’ve assigned them?
Maintaining a Healthy Relationship with Horses
This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t train or ride our horses. Many of us love training, competing, and setting goals with our horses. However, the key to a healthy relationship is keeping the horse’s well-being at the forefront. When we remove rigid expectations and instead approach training with flexibility, patience, and respect, we foster a positive, low-stress partnership.
Most of us fell in love with horses because we admired them for what they are—not for what they could do for us. As children, many of us were content simply watching horses in a field, brushing them, or feeding them a treat. But as we grow older and get involved in disciplines, training, and competition, we sometimes lose sight of that pure appreciation.
To maintain a positive relationship, we must:
Recognize that our horse's primary purpose is simply to be a horse.
Approach training with patience and a willingness to listen.
Ensure that our expectations are realistic and not purely self-serving.
Allow our horses to express their needs and discomforts without punishment.
Recognizing Subtle Communication
Horses do communicate with us, but not in words. Their body language, behavior, and reactions tell us how they feel, what they enjoy, and what they struggle with. However, because they don’t speak our language, their voices are often ignored or misinterpreted.
It’s easy for the human side of the relationship to dominate, leading to a one-sided dynamic where the horse’s needs and emotions are overlooked. This is why we must continuously reassess our expectations and ensure that we are not unintentionally taking advantage of our equine partners.
When a Horse Doesn’t Fit the Mold
What happens when a horse doesn’t excel in the job they were bred or purchased for? Too often, horses are sold, passed from owner to owner, or discarded because they do not meet expectations. This cycle leads to unnecessary frustration and heartache—both for the humans who feel let down and for the horses who must repeatedly adjust to new environments.
Instead of discarding a horse that doesn’t fit a preconceived mold, we can:
Shift our expectations and explore different disciplines or activities.
Allow the horse to guide us toward what they enjoy and excel at.
Recognize that a horse’s value is not solely based on their performance.
There is always something new to learn with every horse, regardless of their abilities. Whether they excel in competition or simply teach us patience, adaptability, and kindness, every horse has something to offer.
Building a Stronger Foundation
When we stop seeing horses as tools to fulfill our desires and instead view them as partners, we build a foundation for a more fulfilling relationship. The healthiest approach is to prioritize the horse’s needs and emotional well-being first. Then, if we choose to build upon that foundation with training and goals, we can do so in a way that is ethical, fair, and mutually enjoyable.
If our primary goal is to have a positive relationship with our horses, everything else—whether it's competing, riding, or training—becomes secondary. And if a horse cannot meet certain expectations, we must remember that their first and most natural purpose is simply to be a horse. As their caregivers, our ultimate responsibility is to respect and honor that truth.
Final Thoughts
Rather than measuring a horse’s worth by what they can do for us, we should appreciate them for who they are. When we stop placing rigid labels and expectations on our horses, we open the door to a truly rewarding partnership—one based on trust, understanding, and mutual respect.
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